Tuesday, December 14, 2010


I just had to share this with everyone...with the approval of my student of course:>).  Truly wanting to be engaged in the various things my students are doing outside of the subject they may be getting tutored in has led me to post a photo of an AWESOME science project completed by student and his parent!!  It is soooo nice to hear when parents are still actively involved in their childs' education!!!  Anyway my student, who is in the 3rd grade by the way provided me a brief summary of his project...He has been learning about the 5 habitats and he chose to do the coastal habitat as his Science Project for this particular assignment...Take a look at what he used to create his habitat.  Totally Awesome!!!
I will be sure not to be gone tooo long next time with my post..my apologies but I have learned from my students, my brother, and my other followers that they just want me to SHARE tips, whatever is on my mind, or things that they have done!!:>)  Don't make post an over complicated assignment but keep the F in FUN!!!  Ok now check out this pic.

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